May they rest in peace

This post won't be long... 9 soldiers were killed today by Hezbollah... Young men who never even got to begin their lives. My heart goes out to their families. Their lives will never be the same again. 22 other soldiers were injured as well - injured is just a word of course. Loosing an arm or a leg isn't. I can't imagine what it is like for them out there, with no sleep, knowing that it could be the ones to loose their lives next.
Nassrallah threatend to extand the range of missiles launched from now on. This means that going to the Tel Aviv aread might not be so helpful anymore, maybe we should have just stayed at home with the familiar sounds of cannons firing and helicopters and F-16's all around us.
Oh by the way, 3 weeks ago I had an (clearly) unexpected appendix surgery. I was still at home recovering from it when the fighting started. I was barely able to walk and already had to leave Metulla. My mom celebrated her 50th birthday on July 18th... needless to say I didn't get to celebrate with her. I was so happy that I was going to be in Israel for her birthday and this is what happend. Life is just so unexpected. I don't know how I will be able to go back to school while knowing that this is going on in Israel, that there are people who are spending their days in bomb shelters... It's amazing that we seem to forget how lucky we are in life. This is not the kind of reality check I was hoping for.
Layla tov.,7340,L-3281856,00.html
Please watch this interview with a brave and wonderful Lebanese woman:
*In the picture - well needless to say, an everyday part of life in Northern Israel today. I took this picture while driving towards Metulla wondering where the next one is going to hit...
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