Saturday, August 19, 2006

Almost over

Tomorrow I’m flying back to the US and a million thoughts are running through my mind. Looking back I would have never imagined that this is how my summer was going to turn out. These were extremely eventful and unexpected two and a half months. I experienced sadness and fear in levels I never thought possible, and now I have stories to last me a lifetime.

Saying goodbyes and leaving is always the toughest part and the least favorite. Israel is always my home, no matter where I am, home is where the heart is, clich? yet so true. I hate the packing part, it’s time consuming and I always feel as if I forget something. I also never seem to pack light and am always yelled at the airport for being overweight. The suitcases that is, not me…

Even though I don’t agree with the terms of the ceasefire it was somewhat comforting knowing that I am not leaving in the middle of a war. Most Israelis don’t believe this ceasefire will last for obvious reasons – if 6 years of relative quiet were used by Hezbollah in order to keep arming, it is clear what this time is used for. It was already mentioned that they regained 90% of the ammunition that was destroyed by the IDF. Only time will tell what the future has for us.


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