Friday, September 22, 2006

Quick update

I know I haven’t updated this blog in a very long time. The past month has been so busy and hectic, there was just no time left for anything else. I flew back to the US on August 21st, and only after I landed here I began to digest everything that I went through this summer. Many people keep asking me about my summer and it seems that every time I start to answer I almost start to tear.

It feels like my sleep is still restless. I keep dreaming that missiles are hitting my house. This dream comes back in different variations, once I’m in my house and the war is still going on, on another it’s actually a nuclear war and I’m trying to find my way in a huge empty bomb shelter, trying to find my family and friends and can’t seem to.

This is already the forth week of the semester, which is completely unbelievable, time just flies by. Only yesterday I landed in Israel to spend a fun summer and now I’m already deep into studying and working. I also moved to a great new place and it’s wonderful.

My surgery has recovered well and I am able to dance again. Last Friday I went out Salsa dancing with some friends and on Sunday we went Swing/Ballroom dancing. I missed this ‘normal’ routine a lot. And even though I am extremely busy at least I have something to complain about.

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